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In spite of living in the middle of the US (Boulder, Colorado) I was bitten pretty hard by the diving bug. Certified last December, I had accumulated a fair number of dives, but still couldn't get enough. I figured a week on a live-aboard might do the trick. So I signed up for a week aboard the Cayman Aggressor, mostly because it was one of the places that I could get to via frequent flyer miles. I figured that by the middle of November I would be pretty safe from hurricane season. When I arrived it had been raining for the previous week and many roads were heavily flooded. It would rain the next two days, but that didn't stop me from diving. The storm system over the Caymans was upgraded to a tropical storm on Sunday, but at this point the storm was starting to move east. Later in the week the storm was upgraded again, this time to a hurricane, which didn't affect our diving, but did prevent us from making the passage from Grand Cayman to Little Cayman. But I'm getting ahead of myself here... Travel
I had made arrangements to go diving w/ Seaview divers on Saturday, my first full day on the island. But conditions were pretty rough, so I hooked up with two other divers for two shore dives. I was blown away on the first dive, just a few hundred feet from the Seaview hotel was a beautiful wall. On my first dive we spotted four hawksbill turtles, setting a pattern for the rest of the week. Saturday afternoon I boarded the Cayman Aggressor IV, met the crew and my fellow divers. My dive mates were a pretty diverse group. We had one woman, Vicky, get certified while on board (no pool training for her) and more remarkable, she had learned to swim just a year before. Another, Chuck, was an instructor and used to own a dive shop. Saturday evening we were a group of strangers, but by Monday morning we were carrying on like old friends. I meet some really cool people and hope to dive with many of them in the future. I had expected to be the only sub-30 diver, but was surprised to find two others my age. My cabin mate, Nigel became my primary dive partner. Nigel was Irish, but living in Jamaica which offered an interesting set of stories. Nigel and I were well suited as dive partners since we had similar air consumption, interests (deep, critters) and physical fitness (we swam about twice as far as everyone else). Aggressor Diving
During all dives one crew member was designated the Divemaster on Duty. The DoD would help you in and out of the water, passing you a camera if you were using one. Plus the DoD would record when you entered the water and ask for your depth & time when you returned. The captain recommended a maximum depth of 110 feet, but no one mentioned anything if you came back having gone deeper. Returning from a dive was very easy. Two large ladders were mounted on the dive platform. A member of the crew would be on the dive platform to take your fins and help you if needed out of the water. Two hot showers were on the back deck for rinsing off or warming up. Up a four stairs to the dive deck where you would return your gear to your dive station. Towels were waiting as well as some sort of snack. Hot baked cookies were a big treat, as was the hot chocolate on the first day of diving when it was a bit chilly. After a two hour surface interval, we would usually dive the morning's site a second time. After the second morning dive, the crew would move the boat to a new dive site where we would spend the afternoon and evening. Typically the afternoon dive site was shallower. The only dive which felt crowded was the dive before dinner, since no one wanted to miss dinner. Food on board was uniformly very good. For most meals the crew served drinks and food. Seconds were never a problem for a hungry guy like myself. The Diving
One interesting note about the night dives. I'm used to carrying a marker light on night dives, but because of concerns about attracting sea wasps (a type of jelly fish) it was recommended not to use a marker light. Floodlights over the dive platform made it very easy to enter and exit the water at night. The floodlights had the added bonus of making it easy to find the ship when returning, just look for the glow. For the last two full days I rented a Nikonos underwater camera outfit. I'm a pretty competent land photographer, but photography with the Nikonos was a humbling experience! My first roll was totally dark, without a single view able picture. I'm a little suspect of the ASA setting, but took it in stride. My subsequent rolls showed steady improvement, but it was still quite challenging. Of the five rolls I took underwater and had developed on board there's one shot worthy of enlargement, something I'm pretty happy with. I won't bore people with full details of the dives I did, I will mention a few of my favorites of the 24 dives I did aboard the Aggressor. Because of the weather, the captain choose dive sites that wouldn't be too rough. As it turned out we got a full tour of Grand Cayman and were able to sample dives from all parts of the island. Visibility was good, usually was in the 60-90' range. Water temperatures were 78-81. I tend to get cold easily and wore a full 3 mm wetsuit plus a 2 mm neoprene skull cap on most dives. Towards the end of the last dive of the day sometimes I would get a little chilled. The first few days were quite windy and a few minutes after I came out of the water my lips would be turning blue. I made good use of the fleece jacket I brought with me, in addition to the hot showers on board. The reefs we dove were all in excellent condition with large schools of fish. What was more impressive was how approachable the fish were, something that was very enjoyable. Gray and French angelfish almost would come up and kiss your mask. Pelagic encounters were rare. I spotted a nurse shark, but never saw any eagle rays, which was a disappointment. Turtles did make up for the lack of other big creatures. We spotted turtles on nearly every dive and I learned that if you swim slowly and approach from the side, the turtles will allow you to get pretty close and swim alongside. This was definitely one of the highlights of the trip for me (even though none of my turtle pictures are presentable). My dive partner, Nigel was a fish id fanatic, he even corrected the captain on a few ids during the evening slide show. As a result I learned to id quite a few fishes where I previously only could identify the type of fish. Of course I'm likely to forget a lot of it by my next dive trip. Babylon on the northeast end of the island was an incredible site. Babylon had beautiful black coral formations and huge tube sponges. Another favorite site was Big Tunnels off 7 mile beach on the west side of Grand Cayman. This site had some incredible swim throughs. On Friday only a half day of diving is available. At this point I had contracted a head cold and aborted the first dive since I couldn't equalize my ears. A dose of sudafed allowed me to get in the final dive. The Crew
Aggressor Accommodations
The aft portion of the main deck was the well equipped diving area. Inside was the main salon where we usually had dinner and breakfast. The salon was equipped with a screen for slide shows and a large screen TV and VCR. Plus the computer workstation with slide scanner was located here. I considered sending email, but didn't have any interesting pictures until the last two days of the trip. Back in Georgetown on Friday we had a final cocktail party, then went into town for dinner. On Saturday I had hoped to dive, but my head would be too congested for diving. So instead I relaxed and in the afternoon went for a nice long snorkel with Nigel and Jim, another Aggressor diver. I should have explored town on Saturday, because on Sunday everything was closed. Comments/Nitpicks
Diving aboard the Aggressor was awesome, especially for a single traveler. I'd highly recommend the Cayman Aggressor and am trying to figure out how to afford the next trip. I'd also like to thank the crew, Captain Alan, Alan, Kurt, Lenny the cook and Jennifer for a great week. Plus I'd like to thank my fellow passengers: Peggy, Nigel, Phil, Tom, Sam, Mike, Jack, Chuck, Rob, Steve, Mark & Carrie, Mike & Myrna, Jim & Vicky Photos (click on thumbnail for larger view) Dive Site Map