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Tuckerman enjoying Colorado

Tuckerman at the summit of Bear Peak, Boulder, CO Tuckerman

Tuckerman Tuckerman, taking a break

Happy Birthday, Tuckerman

Birthday's are always special, especially when it is your best friend's birthday. To celebrate Tuckerman's second birthday, I took a day off from work and rented a convertible. Tuckerman absolutely loved riding in the convertible as these pictures show. We spent the day in Marblehead, one of Tuckerman's favorite places to swim. A stop at McDonald's provided french fries for us to share.

Tuckerman and water

Instant happy dog, just add water.


The appeal of camping: being in touch with nature, sleeping under the stars. The allure seems to be just as strong in the wilds of the spare bedroom.

At home

My Tuckerman what a nice dog house you have. So nice of you to share it with David.

Playing at the beach

Tuckerman playing with his buddy Ozzy in Michigan.

David and Tuckerman

With a dog like Tuckerman, who can ever question the statement that a dog is a man's best friend. And if you ever needed a reason to telecommute...

Tuckerman in Michigan

Look at all the reasons to take a road trip to Michigan.

Tuckerman as a puppy

Is this not the cutest puppy ever?